Culture Change

Measuring & Calculating the Impact

Transforming corporate culture is a significant undertaking, requiring both effort and investment. It takes the focussed effort of leadership, management, and employees - and can only be achieved through company-wide efforts, not through top-down mandates.

Measurement is necessary so that leaders know how the business is progressing, and what impact the transformation is having on the organisation.

The goal isn't to measure the culture, but rather to measure the outcomes that are impacted by the culture. This is more useful because these are the results that directly affect the value of the organisation.

What is "Company Culture"?

"It's the way things are done around here." Deal and Kennedy

Company culture can be seen as the personality of an organisation, as seen through the employee experience.

  • It includes a set of unspoken rules about how things get done.
  • How decisions are made: top-down or bottom-up?
  • It’s the underlying beliefs, assumptions, and values that form an organisation’s social and psychological environment.
  • It determines how employees, potential employees, customers, and the general public view the organisation.

It takes years to build a healthy culture and therefore culture needs to be measured to be managed.

Company Culture - Why You Should Measure It...

As above, the time, effort, and resource required to build a healthy corporate culture is significant.

  • What gets measured, gets managed -- Data gives you insight into what needs to be improved.
  • A healthy strong culture leads to higher productivity.
  • Once you're aware of the organisational culture, you are better able to attract and retain talent.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion -- also requires measurement as greater visibility of the overall culture will provide insight into what needs work to foster an inclusive environment.

What is Culture Change?

Culture change is a series of activities an organisation undertakes to change its behaviours and the mindsets of its employees -- in order to achieve its strategic goals.

The trigger is often when the business' current culture doesn't align with it's vision, mission, core values, and strategic objectives. This misalignment indicates to the leadership that the culture has become a barrier to achieving the organisation's goals.

Measuring culture change requires a mixture of quantitative metrics and qualitative techniques, enabling:

  • Evaluation of the success of your initiatives.
  • Showcasing the results.
  • Uncovering additional points of improvement.

Culture change requires both a time and money investment, so showing the outcomes and results is essential.

If you would like to know more about how we plan, undertake, and support businesses on their journeys please contact us now.

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